
To equip and unleash followers of Jesus to be a blessing to their community.


Provide technology that serves, encourages, and challenges people and churches to put their faith into action.

The Bless App

The Bless App, formerly "Bless Every Home" was created by the Mapping Center for Evangelism and Church Growth in 1997 by Chris and Karen Cooper as a tool for Christians to better know and love their neighbors. It was acquired by The Flourishing Cooperative in 2024 and has since been rebranded with a renewed vision and purpose.

The Bless App is an application to support missional living in our users' communities by giving our users tools that are backed by the BLESS practices created by Dave and Jon Ferguson. We help our users pray for, listen to, and build relationships with their neighbors to be a blessing in that neighbor's life. We call these users "Lights".

Secondly, we enable our user's church community to follow and support their efforts. Churches can learn about larger trends in their city, help new members as they join the community, and support their Lights.

How do we win? Every home in America would be blessed by the Believers who are in their lives.

Our Approach

The Bless App exists to help followers of Jesus successfully participate in the Great Commandment and Great Commission.

Every neighbor is on a spiritual journey. The BLESS Practices help users show the love of Jesus no matter what their neighbors think or believe. The app challenges its users to show neighbors authentic community, hospitality, and create spaces where they feel comfortable wrestling with life's biggest questions.


Visionary Leader

Tim Popadic, pastor, tech entrepreneur, and movie producer has spearheaded national initiatives, partnering with organizations such as Chic-fil-A and Focus on the Family. Over 15 years, he has championed technology-driven city-wide endeavors promoting healthy relationships, outreach, and prayer. In 2023, Tim established The Flourishing Cooperative, a 501c3 dedicated to visualizing human flourishing. He also launched theblessapp.com, facilitating communities in loving their neighbors well.

Chairman of the Board

Randy Frazee is a leader, author, and innovator in Bible engagement, spiritual formation, and biblical community.

BLESS Practice, Architects

Dave & Jon Ferguson. Authors of BLESS: Five Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World. Founding leaders and pastors of Community Christian Church, NewThing church-planting movement, and the Exponential Conference.


Chris Cooper led a team that founded the Mapping Center for Evangelism and Church Growth in 1997. Since its inception, more than 18,000 churches of all sizes, in many denominations, and all 50 states have used the Mapping Center to pray for and share the Gospel with millions of homes.